Um 1399 ... Jahrhundert wird der Erzengel Michael auf Ikonen als Krieger, als Drachentöter und Anführer der Himmlischen Heerscharen dargestellt. Д. Е. Кожанчикова. Источники. The renowned icon Gallery "MARIA RUTZ", has an extensive collection of Russian and Greek original icons from the 15th - 19th century. (John 17:21), The wings of two angels, the Father and the Son, interlap. By the Orthodox church tradition, the consecrated copy of an icon and the original (also called the protograph) are completely interchangeable.[1]. Since 1997 the icon is moved every Pentecost from Andrei Rublev's room to the Tretyakov Gallery's church. Heute ist die Ikone in der Tretjakow-Galerie in Moskau ausgestellt. Mehr sehen » Asteroid Als Asteroiden (von), Kleinplaneten oder Planetoiden werden astronomische Kleinkörper bezeichnet, die sich auf keplerschen Umlaufbahnen um die Sonne bewegen, größer als Meteoroiden (Millimeter bis Meter), aber kleiner als Zwergplaneten (tausend Kilometer) sind. М., 1983, с. This page was last edited on 4 January 2021, at 22:26. Методические рекомендации", Ю. Г. Мальков. Wir vergleichen eine Vielzahl an Eigenarten und verleihen jedem Produkt zum Schluss die entscheidene Note. The icon is kept in Andrei Rublev's room of the Tretyakov Gallery. науч. The icon painters were supposed to make the frescos and create the many-tiered iconostasis. The crack became noticeable in 1931 and was partially fixed in the spring of 1931. The Trinity (Russian: Троица, tr. Yet not as I will, but as you will". Стоглав. (Горский А. Гуляева, Е. Ю. Finally, the mountain is a symbol of the spiritual ascent, which mankind accomplishes with the help of the Holy Spirit. Гурьянов В. П. Две местные иконы св. Januar 1430 in Moskau) war ein russischer Ikonen maler und ist ein Heiliger der östlich-orthodoxen Kirche.. Leben. "The gestures of angels, smooth and restrained, demonstrate the sublime nature of their conversation". It was temporarily moved to the Novosibirsk Opera and Ballet Theatre in Novosibirsk. One of the angels told Abraham that Sarah would soon give birth to a son. Rublev's art was underneath them. [31] The Trinity was under "renewal" four or five times. Troitsa, also called The Hospitality of Abraham) is an icon created by Russian painter Andrei Rublev in the 15th century. Айналов Д. В. История русской живописи от XVI по XIX столетие. In the 18th century the gilded silver stamped angel attires were added. Andrej Rublev, používá se též transkripcí převedený tvar Rubljov, rusky Андрей Рублёв, (1360? Nije mali broj uspeÅ¡nih tenisera koji su, uz bravure na terenu, mamili uzdahe izgledom. The damage done by pumice is especially visible on the angels' clothing and the background. [1], The restorers could not be certain how different layers of paint of different times might have reacted to the slightest ambient changes. Аверинцев, С. С. Rubljow ikone - Unser Testsieger . It contains a lot of semi-legendary stories, including a mention that Nikon of Radonezh, the pupil of Sergius of Radonezh, asked Andrei Rublev "to paint the image of the Holy Trinity to honour the father Sergius". As Andrei Rublev's name appeared in The Book as well, he was held in high regard among the Christian believers. Аудиоэкскурсия по Третьяковской Галерее // «Троица» Рублева. Ежемесячный научный журнал № 6/2014. // Музей № 8. The continued changes in temperature and humidity affected its condition. His main source was the Byzantine art of the Palaiologos era, in particular the paintings created in its capital, Constantinople. Man kann die „Dreifaltigkeits-Ikone von A. Rubljow auf zweierlei Weise betrachten, 1. als außergewöhnliches Kunstwerk, 2. als Ur … Nebenaltars), besonders hochgeschätzte Ikonen: die Gottesmutterikone Vziskanie Pogibschich; die Ikonen vom Ehrwürdigen Andrej Rubljow (an der Ikonenwand des Sergijew Nebenaltars); die Ikonen des Ehrwürdigen Sergius von Radonesch (17. At the same time, the angels are not inserted into the circle, but create it instead, thus our eyes can't stop at any of the three figures and rather dwell inside this limited space. [32], At the beginning of the 20th century many icons were cleaned one by one, and many of them turned out to be masterpieces. Es wird u. a. als ein Appell an die Einigkeit während einer Zeit voller Konflikte unter den Fürsten interpretiert. However, due to lack of other facts, this version of The Trinity's making is generally accepted. In Rublev's icon, the form that most clearly represents the idea of the consubstantiality of the Trinity's three hypostases is a circle. It was kept in the. Andriej Rublow, ros. Die Deutung des Werkes ist vielschichtig. At the time of Rublev, the Holy Trinity was the embodiment of spiritual unity, peace, harmony, mutual love and humility.[6]. Restoration work commenced on 28 November 28, 1918 and lasted until 2 January 2, 1919. Viktor Lazarev sums it up: "In the light of recent analysis we can definitely state that Rublev was not familiar with the works of Italian art and therefore could not borrow anything from that. After removing the riza, Guryanov did not find out Rublev's painting, but discovered the results of all the "renewals". [29] Viktor Lazarev compared it to the works of Piero della Francesca. Jh.). Whether you've loved the book or not, if you give your honest and detailed thoughts then people will find new books that are right for them. A new riza copied that of Ivan the Terrible, while the original was moved to the new copy of The Trinity painted specifically for that purpose. [4][5] Scholars believe that it is one of only two works of art (the other being the Dormition Cathedral frescoes in Vladimir) that can be attributed to Rublev with any sort of certainty. Oktober 2020 um 01:49 Uhr bearbeitet. Rubljow konzentriert sich auf die Darstellung der drei Gestalten. Changes were made to it at least as early as 1600, and most probably even earlier. Anfang des 20. The Oak is located in the centre, above the angel who symbolizes Jesus. Huelin, Scott, "The Hospitality of Abraham: A Meditation," SEEN Journal 14/2 (spring 2014), pp. Guryanov's effort was panned even by his contemporaries. At that time, the gap reached 2 mm at the top part of the icon and 1 mm on the face of the right angel. He blesses the cup, yet his hand is painted in a distance, as if he passes the cup to the central angel. [16] Another copy of the riza was made in 1926–28. The Oak of Mamre can be interpreted as the tree of life,[6] and it serves as a reminder of the Jesus's death on the cross and his subsequent resurrection, which opened the way to eternal life. The next was most likely finished by 1635, with the renewal of all monumental paintings and the iconostasis of the Trinity Lavra. Наше наследие 4 (1988): 25–26. (Насонов А. Н. Новые источники по истории Казанского «взятия». The background and the margins were coloured brown, golden inscription were new. Outstanding works of art are supposed to be kept not inside churches for a narrow circle of parishioners to see, but in public museums. [10] The icon was first mentioned in 1551 in The Book of One Hundred Chapters, the collection of Church laws and regulations made by the Stoglavy Synod. Rubljow stellt die Dreifaltigkeit bewusst als Einheit dar, ohne in der Darstellung klar zwischen Gottvater, Sohn und Heiligem Geist zu differenzieren. Rublev was first called the author of a Trinity icon in the middle of the 16th-century text The Book of One Hundred Chapters. Nevertheless, art critics, taking into account the style of the icon, do not consider the matter resolved. Icons were taken out of the rizas that used to cover them almost completely except for faces and hands and then cleaned. On the table, there is a cup containing the head of a calf. Nevertheless, after cleaning of the icon art critics were so amazed by its beauty that some theories arose about it being created by an Italian painter. 16–18. In 1929 the icon arrived to the Tretyakov Gallery in Moscow, while the copy made by Nikolai Baranov replaced the original in the iconostasis. Jeg er 53 år, -født og opvokset på Islands Brygge, og har derefter boet et par andre steder på Amager. 105—134. Andrej Rubljov je postao monah pre 1405. i uzeo ime Andrej. It handed the Lavra itself and all its collections over to the jurisdiction of the National Education Commissariat "for the purpose of democratization of artistic and historical buildings by transformation of said buildings and collections into museums". The Baranov and Chirikov's copy, commissioned in 1926–28 for the International Icon Restoration Exhibition in 1929. The golden riza was renewed in 1600 during the tsardom of Boris Godunov. Kein ‚Kunst’, sondern Ur-Bild christlichen Glaubens und mystischer Frömmigkeit . Seine Nachfolger vergaßen ihn jedoch und viele seiner Werke gingen verloren. He was helped by V. A. Tyulin and A. I. Izraztsov. Die Ikone der Heiligen Dreifaltigkeit des Malermönchs Andrej Rubljov. Andrej Rubljov. In the background, Rublev painted a house (supposedly Abraham's house), a tree (the Oak of Mamre), and a mountain (Mount Moriah). Die Dreifaltigkeitsikone (russisch троица, wiss. Rubljow ikone - Unsere Produkte unter der Menge an analysierten Rubljow ikone! Dmitry Aynalov,[28] Nikolai Sychyov and then Nikolay Punin all compared The Trinity to the works of Giotto and Duccio. He theorized that all previous scholars after the famous historian Alexander Gorsky made the wrong assumption that Ivan the Terrible only "covered with gold" the icon that had already been kept at the Trinity Lavra. Some details and lines were restored, others were found damaged beyond restoration.[32]. a golden riza was commissioned by him and added to the icon. СПб., 1863, с. [8] There is no action or movement in the painting. It says that the biblical Patriarch Abraham 'was sitting at the door of his tent in the heat of the day' by the Oak of Mamre and saw three men standing in front of him, who in the next chapter were revealed as angels. Instead of dark smoky tones of drying oil and brown-toned clothing that was typical for iconography of that time, they saw bright colours and transparent clothing that reminded them of the 14th century Italian frescos and icons. журн. It is placed under a special show-window with perfect temperature and humidity conditions. 299. In May 2007 The Trinity was is taken out for the Europe-Russia-Europe exhibition, but a piece of the board was dislocated and had to be fixed and reinforced. The clearing was necessary because the icons were traditionally coated with a layer of drying oil. [2] The question of when the conversation with Nikon occurred remains open. The icon is based on a story from the Book of Genesis called Abraham and Sarah's Hospitality or The Hospitality of Abraham (§18). ANDREJ RUBLJOV sovjetska je biografska povijesna drama iz 1966. u režiji Andreja Tarkovskog kojoj je suscenarist Andrej Končalovski. The icon is presently strengthened by shponkas, i. e. small dowels that are used specifically for icons. The Trinity ended up in the Zagorsk National Park & Museum of History and Arts. [1], There are two consecrated copies of The Trinity. However it had a certain reputation due to the fact that it was believed to be the very icon from The Book of One Hundred Chapters. Biographisch-Bibliographisches Kirchenlexikon, Artikel/Artikelanfang im Internet-Archive,, Person als Namensgeber für einen Asteroiden, „Creative Commons Attribution/Share Alike“. It has left the Gallery only twice. The Ancient Paintings Cleaning Committee of Russia took charge of the restoration in 1918. Литература", "Реставрация икон. After that The Trinity was returned to the iconostasis. Da Rubljow 1430 gestorben ist, könnte davon ausgegangen werden, dass er 1360 geboren ist, wenn nicht der Charakter seiner Kunst berücksichtigt werden müsste, der vom Stil her eher auf die 90er Jahre des 14. All angels' clothes were repainted in a lilac tone and whitewashed not with paint, but with gold; the table, the mountain and the house were repainted… There were only faces left on which it was possible to evaluate that this icon was ancient, but even they were shaded by brown oil paint.". Die Dreifaltigkeitsikone des Andrej Rubljow Die Ikone der heiigen Dreifaltigkeit des Andrej Rublev MP2_5 Holztafel Jesus Christus am Berg Athos, griechisch-christlich-orthodox, von Hand gefertigt ... Griechisch-orthodoxe Ikone von Jesus Christus aus Holz. (Mt 26:39)[12] The nature of each of the three hypostases is revealed through their symbolic attributes, i.e. It had to be liquidated later. Official tennis player profile of Andrey Rublev on the ATP Tour. Florensky, Pavel A. Troitse-Sergieva Lavra i Rossiya [The Troitse-Sergiev's Lavra and Russia]. Gleichzeitig gilt es als Auseinandersetzung mit der Deutung der Dreieinigkeit. The impactful center of the composition is the cup with the calf's head. [9] Art critics believe that Andrei Rublev's icon was created in accordance with this concept. The middle angel and the one on the left bless the cup with a hand gesture. Twice a year, in spring and in autumn, humidity in the Trinity Cathedral increased and the icon was transferred to the so-called First Icon Depository. [27] The Trinity is still generally accepted as his work. Presently The Trinity is kept in a special glass cabinet in the museum under constant humidity and temperature conditions. - Breite: 9 cm. [30] However, they most likely intended to point out the high quality of the painting because none of them claimed that it was created under the influence of the Italians. Wir haben den Markt von getesteten Rubljow ikone als auch die nötigen Merkmale welche du brauchst. Eugeny N. Trubetskoi, Russkaya ikonopis'. It was carried out by I. Suslov, V. Tyulin, and G. Chirikov. By 1425 the stone Trinity Cathedral was erected, which still stands today. Brustbild des Erzengels Michael (Ikone von Andrej Rubljow; 15. Umetnost Andreja Rubljova, najboljeg ruskog slikara ikona je kombinacija dve tradicije: srednjovekovnog manastirskog asketizma i klasične harmonije vizantijskog slikarstva. [19] Unfortunately this late source is viewed by most historians as unreliable. The present condition of The Trinity differs from its original condition. Religiöse Kunst Kunst Ideen Byzantinische Kunst Ikonen Der Orthodoxen Kirche Erzengel Michael Romantische Bilder Gerahmte Kunstdrucke Kunstgeschichte Heilige [20] But neither Life of St. Sergius, the hagiographical account of his life, nor Life of St. Nikon mention The Trinity icon, it is only written the decoration of the Cathedral in 1425–1427. Das hieße, als Geburtsdatum die 70er Jahre in Betracht zu ziehen. Троицы в Троицком соборе Свято-Троицко-Сергиевой лавры и их реставрация. The idea gained popularity among scholars and by 1905, it was predominate. Dort starb er am 17. Ru­bljow wurde wohl vor 1405 Mönch mit dem Or­dens­na­men An­d­rej, er gilt als Schü­ler von Ser­gius von Ra­do­nezh. Before the October Revolution The Trinity remained in the Trinity Cathedral, but after the Soviet government sent it to the recently founded Central National Restoration Workshop. The Trinity was painted on a vertically aligned board. Abraham ordered a servant-boy to prepare a choice calf, and set curds, milk and the calf before them, waiting on them, under a tree, as they ate (Genesis 18:1–8). Since the 60s, specializing in antique icons it offers its customers in addition to buying and selling comprehensive expert advice and expert opinion. Januar 1430 in Moskau) war ein russischer Ikonenmaler und ist ein Heiliger der östlich-orthodoxen Kirche. The director was accused of committing a misfeasance. At the turn of the 19th and 20th century, Russian iconography was "discovered" by art historians as a form of art. The angels were depicted as talking, not eating. An­d­rej lebte dann zu­sam­men mit an­de­ren Iko­nenschrei­bern im An­dro­ni­kow-Klos­ter in Mos­kau. Учреждения Рос. Andrei Rubljow hat vermutlich vor 1405 das Mönchsgelübde abgelegt und den Namen Andrei angenommen. Wierskynlik libbe er yn it lavra fan Sergiev Posad. Both copies are now kept in the Trinity Lavra's Trinity Cathedral iconostasis. He did not paint Abraham, Sarah, the scene of calf's slaughter, nor did he give any details on the meal. Nadal je v semifinále Turnaje mistrů, Tsitsipase zdolal ve třech setech aktualizováno 19. listopadu 2020 Závěrečnými zápasy skupiny Londýn 2020 … Transliteration Andrej Rublëv; * um 1360; † 29. Andrej Rubljow. Both icons are now kept in the iconostasis of the Trinity Cathedral in Sergiyev Posad. Scholars can be quite certain that by the mid-16th century, Rublev was considered to be the author of an icon with such name. Yury Olsufyev was the leader of the team which also included Igor Grabar, Alexander Anisimov, Alexis Gritchenko, and the Works of Art Protection Committee under the Trinity Lavra of St. Sergius, which included Yury Olsufyev himself, Pavel Florensky, Pavel Kapterev. Eventually scholars became interested in The Trinity from the Trinity Lavra. 1 was created in 1925. The icon was commissioned to honour Saint Sergius of Radonezh of the Trinity Lavra of St. Sergius, near Moscow, now in the town of Sergiyev Posad. [1] Valentin Yanin said: "The Trinity is an outstanding work of art, a national patrimony, which should be available to people of all beliefs regardless of their religion. Invited by the prior of the Trinity Lavra in the spring of 1904, Vasily Guryanov took the icon out from the iconostasis, removed the riza and then cleaned it from the "renewals" and the drying oil. The dating of The Trinity is uncertain. In his effort to uncover the doctrine of the Trinity, Rublev abandoned most of the traditional plot elements which were typically included in the paintings of the Abraham and Sarah's Hospitality story. [32] The first renewal probably happened during the tsardom of Boris Godunov. Human translations with examples: MyMemory, World's Largest Translation Memory. There are sealed traces of nails from the icon's riza (metal protective cover) on the margins, halos and around the cup. [1] There are persistent gaps between the ground and paint layers, especially in the margins. The subject of The Trinity received various interpretations at different time periods, but by the 19th–20th century the consensus among scholars was the following: the three angels who visited Abraham represented the Christian Trinity, "one God in three persons" – the Father, the Son (Jesus Christ), and the Holy Spirit. М., 1962, с. There is not much historical data on the subject, and even at the beginning of the 20th century historians did not dare to claim any facts and could only make guesses and assumptions. VI.15. М., 1906 г. Zagorsk National Park & Museum of History and Arts, "Русская иконопись от истоков до начала XVI века. [10] However, in 1998 Boris Kloss pointed out that the so-called Troitsk Story of the Siege of Kazan, written before June 1553,[24] contains a clear reference to the fact that Ivan the Terrible only "decorated" the existing icon for the Lavra.[25][26]. Troitsa, also called The Hospitality of Abraham) is an icon created by Russian painter Andrei Rublev in the 15th century. [7] Even the authorship of Rublev has been questioned. Биография. Sergius Golubtsov, Ikona jivonachal’noy Troitsy [The icon of live-creating Trinity]. The official version states 1411 or 1425–27. [1] It is his most famous work[2] and the most famous of all Russian icons,[3] and it is regarded as one of the highest achievements of Russian art. Guryanov recorded the crack during his cleaning: a 1905 photograph depicts the crack as already present. [11], The left angel symbolizes God the Father. The only person who supported the move was the director of the Gallery. Until the end of 1904, The Trinity was hidden from the eyes under the heavy golden riza, which left only the faces and the hands of the angels (the so-called "face image") open. Die Dreifaltigkeitsikone Andrei Rubljow (wiss. 10). Erst­mals er­wähnt wurde er als Iko­nen­schrei­ber in der Ver­kün­di­gungs­kir­che im Kreml. It was necessary to open it again. The Trinity (Russian: Троица, tr. It took the main place (to the right of the royal doors) in the bottom tier of the iconostasis. It was one of the most revered icons in the monastery, attracting generous donations from the reigning monarchs (first Ivan the Terrible, then Boris Godunov and his family), but the main object of veneration in the monastery was Sergius of Radonezh's relics. Jahrhunderts schließen lässt. The gap between the boards closed almost completely in 1–5 months. М., 1970, с. [22], The Soviet historian Vladimir Plugin had a theory that the icon had nothing to do with Nikon of Radonezh, but was brought to the Trinity Lavra by Ivan the Terrible. Андрей Рублёв (ur. On, svakako, spada u takve. That restoration revealed most of Rublev's original work, but numerous traces of the work of Guryanov and of other centuries were preserved. Текст, Лазарев В. Н. Андрей Рублев и его школа. Various authors suggest different dates, such as 1408–1425, 1422–1423 or 1420–1427. – 29. leden ? Viktor Lazarev suggests that the central angel represents Jesus Christ, who in turn blesses the cup as well and accepts it with a bow as if saying "My Father, if it is possible, may this cup be taken from me. The first President of the Russian Federation Boris Yeltsin had an idea of handing the icon over back to the Church. The blue colour of the Holy Spirit's robe symbolizes divinity, the green colour represents new life. It continued to serve to those who studied this painter's style as one of his main works of art". Zapravo, spadao je - jer sada živi potpuno drugačijim životom. 1360 - 17 oktober 1428) wurdt yn it generaal beskôge as de grutste Russyske skilder fan ikoanen ea. The next known source that mentions The Trinity is The Legend of the Saint Icon Painters (Russian: Сказание о святых иконописцах) compiled at the end of 17th century—the beginning of the 18th century. Länge: 13 cm. "Красота изначальная." In den letzten Jahren seines Lebens war Rubljow ein Mönch im Moskauer Andronikow-Kloster. [23] Plugin said that the icon was brought to the Lavra by Ivan himself, and that The Trinity had been created much earlier, probably 150 years prior to that date. First it happened in 1941 during World War II evacuation. Transliteration Andrej Rublëv; * um 1360; † 29. The original wooden Trinity Church, located on the territory of the Trinity Lavra, burned down in 1411, and Nikon of Radonezh decided to build a new church. It is unknown if The Trinity was created during Rublev's peak of creativity in 1408—1420 or late in his life. The condition closest to the original one that the restorers managed to achieve was after the restoration of 1918. A new icon could be painted over the darkened layer. It is believed that Nikon, who became the prior after the death of Sergius of Radonezh, sensed his forthcoming death, and invited Andrei Rublev and Daniel Chorny to finish the decoration of the recently built cathedral. К изучению «Троицы» Андрея Рублева. Igor Grabar dated The Trinity 1408–1425, Yulia Lebedeva suggested 1422–1423, Valentina Antonova suggested 1420–1427. Глава VI. Der Asteroid (2457) Rublyov wurde nach ihm benannt. Around the cup, which is placed on the table, the silent dialogue of gestures takes place. Gekleidet in Harnisch und rotem Mantel, reitet Michael auf einem geflügelten Pferd. Yury Olsufyev attempted repair by moving the icon to a special room with artificially induced high humidity of circa 70%. Произведения. The figures gaze into eternity in the state of motionless contemplation. 'When he saw them, Abraham ran from the tent door to meet them and bowed himself to the earth.' [10] The unity of the Trinity's three hypostases expresses unity and love between all things: "That they may all be one, just as you, Father, are in me, and I in you, that they also may be in us, so that the world may believe that you have sent me." [6] The starting point of the divine administration is the creative Will of God, therefore Rublev places the Abraham's house above the corresponding angel's head. Under normal conditions, the drying oil fully darkened in 30–90 years. Both the restorer and the eyewitnesses of the occasion were stunned. admin. 1430 ) je považován za nejvýznamnějÅ¡ího malíře pravoslavných ikon a … According to the Trinity Lavra of St. Sergius archives, the icon was kept in the Trinity Cathedral since 1575. В.). [32], As soon as the icon returned to the Trinity Cathedral's iconostasis, it darkened again very quickly. It was called the "icon renewal" (Russian: поновление икон). Style analysis shows that it could have been created around 1408, because it is stylistically similar to his frescoes in the Dormition Cathedral (created roughly at the same time). Die Dreifaltigkeits-Ikone von Andrej Rubljow . In 1915 Nikolai Sychyov pointed out that his restoration actually hid the work of art from us. It was then decided to strengthen the layer of gesso and the layer of paint with mastic, and fill the gap with it. This dating is based on the dates of the construction of both churches. Gabriel Bunge, "The Rublev Trinity: The Icon of the Trinity by the Monk-Painter Andrei Rublev", Crestwood, NY, St. Vladimir's Seminary Press, 2007. Živeo je u manastiru Sergijevska lavra blizu Moskve u zajednici slikara, među kojima su poznati Teofan Grk i Prohor iz Gorodeca. It is his most famous work and the most famous of all Russian icons, and it is regarded as one of the highest achievements of Russian art. 128. A lot of different icons and frescoes were attributed to him, e.g. The Trinity is currently held in the Tretyakov Gallery in Moscow. 17, Лазарев В. Н. Русская средневековая живопись. Rûbljov syn libben is mar in bytsje fan bekend. The blue colour of the Son's robe symbolizes divinity, the brown colour represents earth, his humanity, and the gold speaks of kingship of God. 61–62. After Guryanov removed three upper layers, the last of which was painted in the Palekh school style, he revealed the original layer. Usually, it had the same theme but the style was changed accordingly to the new aesthetic principles of that time. Die russisch-orthodoxe Kirche verehrt ihn als Heiligen. He wrote: "When the golden riza was removed from this icon, we saw a perfectly painted icon. Compared to other icons such as Theotokos of Vladimir or Our Lady of Kazan The Trinity was not particularly revered, because there was nothing special about it, it was not "miracle-working" or myrrh-streaming, and it didn't become a source for a large number of copies. The Tretyakov Gallery reported the present condition as "stable". Die Kir­che sei­nes Klos­ters wurde von ihm eben­so aus­ge­malt wie im Jahr 1408 die Kir­che der Ent­schla­fung der Got­tes­mut­ter in Wla­di­mir … 1411) begann eine Erforschung seines Werkes. 10. All stages of the cleaning were recorded in detail in the Diary. [32] These documents are kept in the Tretyakov Gallery archives. Labavo temeljen na životu Andreja Rubljova, velikog ruskog slikara ikona iz 15. stoljeća, film nastoji prikazati realističan portret srednjovjekovne Rusije. In some cases, the new painter kept the proportions and the composition of the original, but in other cases, the painter copied the theme but made adjustments to the proportions of the figures and the poses and changed other details. [34] As it became clear during another restoration in 1919, Guryanov didn't reach the original layer in some places. The cleaning of The Trinity could theoretically reveal a perfect example of his style and help with the examination of the other icons that were attributed to him on the basis of legends or common belief.[17]. С. Y. Malkov summed up: Only the painting's exposure in 1918 can be called "a restoration" in the modern scientific meaning of this word (and even that cannot be said without some reservations); all previous works on The Trinity were, in fact, only "renewals", including the "restoration" that took place in 1904—1905 under the guidance of V. P. Guryanov... No doubt, the restorers consciously tried to strengthen all the graphic and linear structure of the icon, with rough augmentation of the figures' contours, clothes, halos. М.,1966. Дружкова, НАТАЛИЯ ИВАНОВНА. Описание, история иконы, "Андрей Рублев. ok. 1360, zm. It is the foundation of the composition. The committee of restorers of the Tretyakov Gallery deliberated at length on various suggestions of how to further strengthen the icon, and on 10 November 2008 the committee concluded that the present, stable condition of the icon is not to be interfered with in any circumstance. академии образования «Институт художественного образования 1 (2014). According to Trinity Lavra of St. Sergius records as of 1575, the icon was "covered with gold" at the order of Ivan the Terrible, i.e. Erst nach 1904 nach der Entdeckung seiner Troiza (Dreifaltigkeitsikone, entstanden vermutlich ca. O ovome se zna, jer se njegovo ime pominje u listi slikara ikona i fresaka u BlagoveÅ¡tenskom saboru u Moskvi. Oktober 1428 an der Pest. Beuroner Kunstverlag, Beuron 2018, ISBN 978-3-87071-361-4.

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